Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine approach to treating a variety of conditions. The practice involves the insertion of thin needles (about the width of a human hair) into the skin, at specific points on the body. A person may feel a small pinch that should dissipate quickly.
Acupuncture can restore the immune system, decrease pain, improve circulation, calm the nervous system and reduce inflammation in the body.
Cupping is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine in which glass cups are applied to the skin along the meridians of the body. They create suction to the skin that helps with reducing pain, inflammation, circulation, stimulating blood flow and relaxation.
Gua Sha is a treatment is a tool that massages areas of the body to stimulate blood flow, circulation, reduces inflammation and pain. Tuina Is a therapeutic massage that releases muscle tension and promotes a deep relaxation for numerous health benefits.
Cupping, Gua Sha Massage and Tuina
Herbal Remedies
Strong enough to treat complex disorders, yet free from the side effects of many pharmaceuticals, this form of plant medicine deserves to be more widely understood. Herbs are rarely administered singly but rather in complex formulas which address main symptoms while balancing the body's energy as a whole. The interplay of herbs has a synergistic and harmonizing effect which strengthens their safety and efficacy.
Combined with a specialized traditional acupuncture treatment, Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture enhances skin, increases the production of collagen and elastin naturally, treats acne and decreases fine lines and wrinkles. Learn more about facial rejuvenation.
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture
Adjunctive Therapies
May be used at your appointment based on your consultation and treatment plan.
Is a therapy which consists of burning mugwort herb on particular acupuncture points on the body. Moxibustion may help with circulation, stimulating points by heating the area and reducing pain. Some examples of what this treatment is used for are gastrointestinal issues, menstrual cramps, pain and breech presentation.
Press tacks
Are very tiny needles, like a thumbtack, that stick onto certain acupuncture points. They are inserted into the tissue and provide continuous stimulation. We may use these during treatments, for pediatric patients and take home treatments.
Tuning Forks
Are a sound variational therapy. The tuning fork is a great non-invasive healing tool that is placed on certain acupuncture points. The vibrations can improve mental clarity, physical energy and help to calm the nervous system.
Magnets and Ear Seeds
These are non-insertive techniques that help stimulate and are used on specific acupuncture points. We may use these during treatments, for pediatric patients and take home treatments.
An electrode is secured to the acupuncture needles. When used, a small amount of electricity runs through the electrode into the muscle tissue. Electro acupuncture can feel like a slight vibration sensation and gentle stimulation during treatment. This helps with a variety of conditions.
Celluma LED Light Therapy
LED Light Therapy is Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology and is the application of light energy to the skin for therapeutic benefits.
If a patient would like to add this therapy to their treatment you can use the Celluma by itself as a non-insertive treatment or use it in combination with your acupuncture treatment for pain or for a facial rejuvenation treatment.
The Celluma appointment is a 30-minute session.
Schedule an appointment
Book an appointment and learn more about pricing at the link below.